Adventurers, loremasters, and esteemed guild members of the Stellar Dragons community, we are thrilled to announce that our digital realm is once again fully operational! Our mystical scribes have worked tirelessly, weaving potent spells to restore the archives and ensure that your quest for knowledge is unimpeded.
During the past 48 hours, a mischievous glitch attempted to besiege our fortress, but like any true heroes, we’ve triumphed, emerging stronger and more resilient. We extend our deepest gratitude for your patience and loyalty during this unexpected interlude whilst we worked to become fully operational.
As we reignite the torches in our halls, we invite you to rejoin us in the pursuit of gaming excellence. The Glass Walker’s Character Guides await your keen eyes, especially our latest compendium on Ranger Builds—crafted with precision for your D&D 3.5 campaigns.
Sharpen your swords, ready your spells, and step forth into the myriad worlds we celebrate. For the dice are eager to roll, and countless adventures beckon!