Pathfinder 1E Inquisitor Guide: Unveiling the Divine Hunter

The Inquisitor

Overview of Inquisitor in the context of the guide

The guide unravels the multifaceted nature of the Inquisitor in Pathfinder 1E, emphasizing its role as a fusion of martial and divine prowess. It presents a compelling exploration of intriguing abilities, combat strategies, and unwavering dedication, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the Divine Hunter.

Essential background and lore of Inquisitor

The guide meticulously delves into distinct Inquisitor archetypes, such as the Half-Elf Divine Hunter, Tiefling Diabolist, Changeling Witch Slayer, Dhampyr Vampire Hunter, and Skinwalker Gray Warden. Each archetype encapsulates unique thematic concepts and combat styles, creating a rich narrative backdrop that intertwines the divine pursuit of justice with relentless combat proficiency.

Key strategies and tips for optimizing Inquisitor’s use

Readers gain valuable insights into essential character-building aspects, including the allocation of racial attributes, selection of feats, and honing of skills tailored to each archetype. The guide also uncovers the strategic intricacies, from wielding pistols and whips to mastering dueling swords and utilizing shifting abilities, empowering players to leverage the strengths of their chosen Inquisitor build effectively.

A brief mention of the guide’s approach to encouraging player creativity

The guide fosters player creativity and innovation, emphasizing the personalized approach to Inquisitor builds.

It inspires readers to experiment with diverse playstyles, develop distinctive narratives, and embark on unique gameplay experiences, elevating the allure of the Inquisitor class in Pathfinder 1E.

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Embrace the thrill of the hunt and the fervor of divine retribution as we traverse the world of Pathfinder 1E Inquisitor. A fusion of the divine and martial, the Inquisitor brings forth a blend of intriguing abilities, combat prowess, and relentless dedication. As we delve into the depths of this class, we unlock the pathways to crafting formidable builds and unleashing the full potential of the Divine Hunter.

The Base Inquisitor

Half-Elf Divine Hunter

The Half-Elf Divine Hunter presents a fierce combination of divine zeal and precision combat. With a preference for Dexterity, these Inquisitors expertly wield a pair of pistols, delivering righteous vengeance upon the wicked. Their skills in Perception and Sense Motive make them exceptional radar-like tacticians, allowing them to rapidly analyze any situation and bring targets to justice without hesitation.

Inventive gameplay technique is observed by attributing all points to Dexterity and adopting the Armed Grit and Birthmark traits. By carefully selecting feats and skills, a clever Half-Elf maximizes their potential in combat by employing teamwork feats and taking advantage of the Travel Domain, yielding a deadly combination of spellcasting and ranged combat.

Diabolist Heretic

Tiefling Diabolist

As an archetype devoted to serving an Archdevil, the Tiefling Diabolist displays remarkable wisdom and proficiency in wielding a whip. Through the Diabolist Prestige Class and the Conversion Inquisition, these Inquisitors exhibit immense effectiveness in stealth and control over combat situations, backed by their ability to summon Hellfire and utilize imp familiars.

Demonstrating mastery over attributes, the Tiefling Diabolist combines a strategic approach by focusing on Wisdom, which is adeptly utilized in the Diabolist Prestige Class. This design allows for the adaptation of the Conversion Inquisition, offering the ability to wield a whip proficiently and access high-level spells effective against adversaries.

The Witch Slayer

Changeling Witch Slayer

A Changeling Witch Slayer embodies the perseverance and determination to combat witch covens, drawing inspiration from Asmodeus himself. By combining Inquisitor, Hellknight Signifier, and Witch classes, they become adept stealth killers with the power to turn into animals, control the battlefield with their whip, and boast in-depth tracking abilities.

Changeling Witch Slayers unleash ferocity by dedicating attributes to Strength and embracing a specialization in the Stick Fighting Style, wielding a Quarterstaff with remarkable prowess to engage in close-quarters combat. Additionally, these Inquisitors possess the ability to use the elements in their spells, enhancing their offensive abilities.

Vampire Hunter D

Dhampyr Vampire Hunter

Dhampyr Vampire Hunters exemplify precision and savagery as they specialize in taking down undead creatures, especially vampires. Through a finesse-oriented approach and special brand judgments, these Inquisitors possess the ability to deal a significant blow to undeads, rendering them permanent with nothing short of dominating combat prowess.

Meticulously shaping the character’s abilities, Dhampyr Vampire Hunters capitalize on Agile Combatant by channeling all points into Dexterity, ensuring their adeptness with dueling swords. Equipped with a keen sense of perception, these Inquisitors employ various powerful branding abilities against undead foes.

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Wolf in Sheepโ€™s Clothings

Skinwalker Gray Warden

The Skinwalker Gray Warden is a monstrous figure in human form, capable of transforming into various stages of werewolf forms. With an almost unparalleled capacity for high damage outputs, these Inquisitors take advantage of their stealth and perception skills, amplified by their extensive list of spells and the support of an animal companion.

The creation of a formidable Skinwalker Gray Warden requires a cautious attribute allocation, emphasizing Wisdom to enhance the character’s shifting abilities. By strategically focusing on enhancing specific skills and undertaking feats, a sophisticated build is achieved, culminating in a fearsome werewolf in combat.

Inquisitor’s Versatility and Appeal

The diverse Inquisitor archetypes present an array of strategic choices, from firearms-focused options to spellcasting variations, catering to a wide range of playstyles and preferences. This versatility and adaptability make Inquisitors an engaging and sought-after class in Pathfinder 1E, allowing for deeply customized gameplay experiences.

Encouragement for Personalization

By embracing the innovative concepts and detailed strategies showcased, players are encouraged to delve into the depth of Inquisitor builds, fostering creativity and experimentation to devise unique character designs. With an expansive toolbox at their disposal, players can craft distinctive narratives and gameplay experiences, driving excitement and rich storytelling.


What are the key features of the Inquisitor class in Pathfinder 1E?

The Inquisitor in Pathfinder 1E is a versatile class that blends the abilities of a cleric and a ranger. They are adept at hunting down monsters and heretics, fighting for their deities with fervor and using any means necessary to bring down their prey. Key features include judgment and bane abilities, precise weapon combat, access to domain spells, and a wide array of skills.

How do the five Inquisitor builds presented in the article differ from each other?

Each of the five Inquisitor builds offers a distinct playstyle and focus. The builds vary in terms of race, ability scores, traits, favored class bonuses, skills, feats, spells, equipment, and thematic concepts. For example, the ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ build emphasizes shape-shifting abilities and melee combat, while the ‘Vampire Hunter D’ build is optimized for hunting and combatting undead creatures like vampires.

What are the recommended races and ability score distributions for the Inquisitor class?

Half-Elf and Dhampyr are among the recommended races for Inquisitors. Ability scores should typically prioritize Dexterity for ranged combat or Strength for melee combat, depending on the chosen build. Wisdom is often essential for spellcasting, Perception, and other key skills.

How does multiclassing enhance the capabilities of the Inquisitor in Pathfinder 1E?

Multiclassing, as exemplified in the ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ build, enables the Inquisitor to integrate features from other classes, such as the Shifter, to augment their combat abilities, including shape-shifting. Additionally, multiclassing allows access to prestige classes like the Gray Warden, providing unique bonuses and expanded skill sets.

What are the primary combat styles and weapons utilized in the Inquisitor builds?

The Inquisitor builds demonstrate a diverse range of combat styles and weapon preferences. For instance, the ‘The Base Inquisitor’ build focuses on precision and dual-wielding pistols, while the ‘Kinslayer’ build emphasizes finesse and two-handed dueling swords. Each build aligns with distinct thematics and combat strategies.

How do the Inquisitor builds handle spellcasting and domain abilities?

Spellcasting and domain abilities play a crucial role in shaping the capabilities of each Inquisitor build. For example, the ‘Witch Slayer’ build enhances its whip combat prowess with divine spellcasting and utilizes the Conversion Inquisition to modify social interactions. Similarly, the ‘Heresy’ build, with the Diabolist Prestige Class, gains unique powers such as hellfire manipulation and demonic familiars through diabolic obedience.

What are the primary role-playing aspects highlighted in the Inquisitor builds?

In addition to combat prowess, each Inquisitor build offers distinct role-playing opportunities. From hunting down witch covens to combating undead or embracing the teachings of an archdevil, the thematic elements of the builds create engaging narrative possibilities. The ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ build, for instance, revolves around a skinwalker’s duality, while the ‘Vampire Hunter D’ build provides a compelling narrative of seeking vengeance against undead foes.

Can the Inquisitor builds adapt to different party dynamics in a Pathfinder 1E campaign?

Absolutely. The Inquisitor builds are designed to be adaptable within diverse party compositions. Whether serving as a silent and deadly assassin, a leader in the midst of combat, or a valuable support character, Inquisitors can fulfill various party roles. Their flexibility in skills, combat style, and spellcasting contributes to their adaptability in different game scenarios.

How do the Inquisitor builds address the thematic concepts of heresy, witch hunting, and combating undead in Pathfinder 1E?

The Inquisitor builds skillfully embody thematic concepts such as heresy, witch hunting, and undead combat. The ‘Heresy’ build, for instance, delves into diabolic pacts and introspective conflict, while the ‘Witch Slayer’ build channels the fervor of an inquisitor hunting witch covens. Similarly, the ‘Vampire Hunter D’ build epitomizes the archetype of a relentless hunter pursuing undead adversaries.

What makes the Inquisitor class stand out compared to other Pathfinder 1E character options?

The Inquisitor class stands out due to its unique blend of divine spellcasting, combat prowess, and thematic versatility. Unlike traditional cleric or ranger classes, the Inquisitor offers a distinct playstyle, emphasizing zealous pursuit, targeting of specific foes, and thematic depth. This makes them an engaging choice for players seeking a balance between martial and divine abilities.
