
Pathfinder 1E Inquisitor: Diabolic Whips – Heresy!

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Inquisitor Build Flexibility: Tailor your Inquisitor with feats and gear to adapt to any campaign’s challenges.
Diabolic Whips Combat Style: Master crowd control with a whip and fire, delivering divine justice with martial prowess.
Solo Tactics Party Synergy: Employ ‘Solo Tactics’ to enhance party coordination and establish your Inquisitor as the battlefield linchpin.
Role-Play a Justice Seeker: Forge a narrative of unyielding determination and moral absolutism for a compelling Inquisitor backstory.

Unveiling the art of divine retribution and infernal justice, the Inquisitor stands as a formidable presence within this vast realm of divine might and fantasy. Delving into the mind, body, and soul of this enigmatic class is akin to peering into the heart of a cosmic conflict between righteousness and malevolence. In this detailed exposé, we will guide you through the intricacies of the Inquisitor, shedding light on their mastery of diabolic whips and their affinity for fiery brimstone. Brace yourself as we unravel the secrets of the Inquisitor and explore the myriad paths to wielding divine and profane power within the world.

Build Overview

Key Features of Build

The Heresy build of the Inquisitor embodies the fusion of divine magic and martial prowess, channeling the forces of righteousness and malevolence into a formidable combat presence. With a focus on utilizing whips and fire-based abilities, this build excels at crowd control and delivering swift justice to adversaries.

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Advantages of Class Distribution

The level distribution for this build strategically empowers the Inquisitor to display remarkable versatility in combat scenarios. Furthermore, the inherent investigative and inquisitorial abilities of the class reinforce its role as a skillful investigator within the party.

Breakdown of Level Progression and Feat Selection

The inclusion of feats such as ‘Improved Whip Mastery’, ‘Weapon Focus’, and ‘Balor Whip’ synergizes impeccably with the Inquisitor’s abilities, enhancing their effectiveness in combat. Furthermore, the acquisition of ‘Solo Tactics’ at a pivotal level unlocks tactical advantages, enabling seamless coordination with allies in battle.

Equipment Selection

Optimal Equipment Selection

The Heresy build emphasizes the selection of agile armor to maximize mobility on the battlefield while maintaining adequate protection. Additionally, the inclusion of defensive gear tailored to resilience against various threats ensures the inquisitor’s durability in the face of adversity.

By level 20, aim at having yourself adorned with enchanted armor that enhances both your maneuverability and defensive capabilities. Your weapons should be customized with enhancements that synergize seamlessly with your whip and fire-focused combat style, exploiting the weaknesses of your adversaries with precision and effectiveness.

Roleplaying Considerations


Immerse yourself in the compelling narrative of the Heretical inquisitor, weaving a tale of relentless pursuit of justice and unyielding confrontation with malevolence. Unravel the character’s evolution from humble beginnings to an illustrious presence within the tumultuous campaign, driven by an unwavering sense of purpose.


With its themes of unwavering resolve, moral absolutism, and the quest of truth even in the face of difficulty, the Heresy build flourishes in role-playing situations that capture the tenacity of the inquisitor. Complementing themes of resiliency, righteousness, and the unwavering pursuit of justice despite all circumstances, the character’s investigative skills and combative personality facilitate interesting interactions within party dynamics.


As showcased in the narrative, the customization of the Inquisitor allows for a myriad of adaptations that resonate with the player’s personal inclinations and the thematic elements of the campaign. Embrace the narrative’s depth to infuse your customization with a unique flavor, amplifying the immersive role-playing experience and unleashing the full potential of the Heretical inquisitor.


Why pick whips and fire for my Inquisitor?

Whips and fire spells let Inquisitors control the battlefield with style. They create a dramatic combo, perfect for crowd control and laying down the law. Choosing this path guarantees artful domination in combat.

What makes the Inquisitor’s feat selection crucial?

Feats like ‘Improved Whip Mastery’ elevate the Inquisitor’s combat flow. Each feat is a building block to a formidable fighting style, enabling divine justice with every crack of the whip.

How does the HERESY build shine in a party?

This build turns the Inquisitor into the party’s ace. With solo tactics and coordinated efforts, they elevate the group’s synergy to glorious heights. They’re the pivotal piece in any strategy.

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Is the Inquisitor effective for beginners to Pathfinder?

With the right guidance, yes. The Inquisitor can be a gateway to mastering both role-play and combat mechanics. It’s a multifaceted class that rewards strategic gameplay and creativity.

In what ways can I personalize my Inquisitor?

Forge your path by tailoring feats, spells, and equipment. Imprint your identity in their quest, crafting a character as unique as your imagination.
