
Pathfinder 1E Gunslinger: The Gun Machine – Techslinger Impenetrable Tank

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Key Features of Build

The build combines the Gun Tank and Techslinger archetypes with the Stalwart Defender Prestige Class, resulting in a formidable fusion of resilient firepower.
The chosen level distribution encompasses Gunslinger 10 and Stalwart Defender 10, optimizing the build’s capabilities for durable ranged combat and incredible defensive prowess.

Advantages of Class Distribution

The combination of Gunslinger 10 and Stalwart Defender 10 enhances the build’s defensive capabilities while maintaining substantial ranged combat proficiency.
The Android race’s thematic alignment and inherent benefits further fortify the Techslinger’s impenetrable tank concept, contributing to the build’s exceptional durability.

Breakdown of Level Progression and Feat Selection

The selection of Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and other strategic feats at different levels strategically enhances the build’s combat prowess, ensuring optimal performance in various combat scenarios.
Feats such as Dodge, Toughness, and Endurance serve as prerequisites for accessing the Stalwart Defender Prestige Class, highlighting the tactical significance of the feat selection for the build’s overall development.

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Equipment Selection

Optimal Armor & Defensive Equipment Selection

The optimal armor and defensive equipment selection for the build revolves around securing the thickest, most robust armor available, ensuring maximum protection and resilience in combat.
The choice of armor should align with the desired playstyle and combat scenarios, providing a substantial boost to the character’s defensive capabilities while reinforcing the impenetrable tank concept.

Essential Weapon Enhancements

When considering weapon enhancements for the Techslinger archetype, prioritize customization options that complement the build’s ranged combat proficiency and thematic essence.
Focus on enhancing firearms to resonate with the futuristic and technological aspects of the Techslinger, catering to varied playstyles within the impenetrable tank framework.

Role-Playing Considerations


As the Gun Machine encompasses the resilient essence of an impenetrable tank, the character shines in narratives that challenge their unwavering defense and tactical maneuvering. In a hypothetical scenario, the Gun Machine finds themselves in a treacherous bottleneck, encircled by adversaries ready to pounce. With strategic precision and unyielding determination, they demonstrate their mastery of defensive stances and intercept maneuvers, turning the tide of battle despite overwhelming odds.


This build encapsulates the undaunted might of indomitable resilience, resonating with themes of unwavering fortitude and unyielding protection. Their thematic essence aligns with the unyielding defenders of ancient realms and the relentless guardians of futuristic frontiers, embodying the epitome of steadfast defense amidst tumultuous trials.


Embracing the spirit of personalization and innovation, I encourage all players to delve into the remarkable world of the Gunslinger, exploring the vast potential for customization and creativity. Unleash your imagination and forge your path as an unstoppable force.


What are the key features of the Gun Machine?

The key features of the build revolve around the combination of the Gun Tank and Techslinger archetypes with the Stalwart Defender Prestige Class. This fusion results in a formidable mix of resilient firepower and incredible defensive prowess, optimizing the build’s capabilities for durable ranged combat and unmatched defense.

How does the Gunslinger’s class distribution enhance the build’s capabilities?

The distribution of Gunslinger 10 and Stalwart Defender 10 enhances the build’s defensive capabilities while maintaining substantial ranged combat proficiency. Additionally, the thematic alignment and inherent benefits of the Android race further fortify the Techslinger’s impenetrable tank concept, contributing to the build’s exceptional durability.

Which armor and defensive equipment should be prioritized for the build?

The optimal armor and defensive equipment selection should focus on securing the thickest, most robust armor available to ensure maximum protection and resilience in combat. It’s essential for the chosen armor to align with the desired playstyle and combat scenarios, providing a substantial boost to the character’s defensive capabilities within the impenetrable tank framework.

What weapon enhancements are essential for the Techslinger archetype, and how do they complement the build’s thematic essence?

When considering weapon enhancements for the Techslinger archetype, prioritize customization options that complement the build’s ranged combat proficiency and thematic essence. The focus should be on enhancing firearms to resonate with the futuristic and technological aspects of the Techslinger, catering to varied playstyles within the impenetrable tank framework.

In what narrative situations does the build shine?

The Gun Machine shines in narratives that challenge its unwavering defense and tactical maneuvering. In a hypothetical scenario, the character finds themselves in a treacherous bottleneck, encircled by adversaries ready to pounce. Through strategic precision and unyielding determination, they demonstrate their mastery of defensive stances and intercept maneuvers, turning the tide of battle despite overwhelming odds.

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What themes does the Gun Machine resonate with?

This build encapsulates the undaunted might of indomitable resilience, resonating with themes of unwavering fortitude and unyielding protection. Its thematic essence aligns with the unyielding defenders of ancient realms and the relentless guardians of futuristic frontiers, embodying the epitome of steadfast defense amidst tumultuous trials.

Why is the Gunslinger’s versatility and resilience exemplified by the build?

The Techslinger exemplifies the Gunslinger’s versatility and resilience by embodying the essence of unshakable resolve on the battlefield, from relentless firepower to unyielding defensive prowess. Its ability to stand as a testament to boundless ingenuity and adaptability showcases the class’s remarkable potential for customization and creativity.
