Pathfinder 1E Bard: The Necrodancer – Shadows and Death Build Guide

Take a trip into the enigmatic and shadowy realm of The Necrodancer, Master of Shadows and Death. We will explore the amazing skills and tactics that make this unique Bard an unmatched power in the world of mystery and shadows in this thorough book. As we go into the skill of mastering the very essence of darkness itself, be ready to discover the secrets of utilizing death’s power to your benefit.

Build Overview

Key Features of Build

Embracing the dark arts, the build combines the Dirge Bard and Shadow Puppeteer archetypes with the Umbral Agent Prestige Class to attain a unique and powerful blend of abilities.
The choice of Wayang as the race provides strategic advantages, enhancing the effectiveness of Shadow Subschool spells and allowing immediate action switch between positive and negative energy for healing.

Advantages of Class Distribution

The level distribution of Bard (Dirge Bard, Shadow Puppeteer) 10/Umbral Agent 10 is designed to optimize the use of shadow-based spells and abilities, in addition to maximizing the benefits of Umbral Agent prestige class features.
The combination of archetypes and prestige class allows for a seamless integration of shadow magic and necromantic abilities, offering versatility and power in manipulating the forces of darkness.

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Breakdown of Level Progression and Feat Selection

Lingering Performance at level 1 sets the foundation for prolonged Bardic Performance, while feats like Spell Focus (Illusions) and Greater Spell Focus (Illusions) strengthen the effectiveness of illusion spells.
The Umbral Court Agent bonus feats further enhance the build’s capabilities, with choices like Tenebrous Magic and Blind Fight expanding the repertoire of shadow magic and combat prowess.

Equipment Selection

Optimal Equipment Selection

The optimal equipment selection for the Necrodancer build involves prioritizing items that enhance spellcasting abilities, improve defense, and complement the playstyle of the character.
By level 20, aim at having yourself equipped with items such as high quality leather armor, magically improved casting focuses, and a decent side weapon such as a rapier.

Roleplaying Considerations


As the Necrodancer, envision moments where you weave a tale of darkness and manipulation, drawing your allies and adversaries into the intricate dance of shadows. Embrace the challenges of earning trust and wielding the powers of necromancy in a world filled with prejudice and fear.


The role of the build is steeped in themes of darkness, mystery, and forbidden knowledge. Delve into the character’s mastery of the arcane arts, the allure of the shadows, and the intricate dance between life and death. Emphasize the intellectual charisma of a manipulator who wields the unseen forces of necromancy.


We’ve revealed the amazing potential of the Necrodancer Bard in this thorough guide. The Bard becomes into a compelling force that can alter interactions and stories by accepting the dark, using shadow magic, and becoming an expert in necromancy.
I urge you to take a risk and add your own unique flair and inventiveness to the build. To forge your own route, go into the shadows, create engrossing stories, and give in to the darkness’s attraction.


What are the key features of the Necrodancer Bard build?

The Necrodancer Bard build encompasses a unique combination of the Dirge Bard and Shadow Puppeteer archetypes, along with the Umbral Agent Prestige Class. This blend of abilities allows for unparalleled control over shadow magic and necromantic prowess, making the build a formidable force in the realm of darkness and intrigue.

How does the Necrodancer Bard optimize the use of shadow-based spells and abilities?

By employing a level distribution of Bard (Dirge Bard, Shadow Puppeteer) 10/Umbral Agent 10, the Necrodancer Bard effectively maximizes the benefits of shadow-based spells and abilities, creating a seamless integration of shadow magic and necromantic powers. This distribution ensures versatility and power in manipulating the forces of darkness.

What feats are crucial for the builds level progression and feat selection?

Lingering Performance at level 1 lays the groundwork for extended Bardic Performance, while feats like Spell Focus (Illusions) and Greater Spell Focus (Illusions) enhance the effectiveness of illusion spells. Additionally, the Umbral Court Agent bonus feats, including Tenebrous Magic and Blind Fight, further expand the build’s capabilities in shadow magic and combat.

What is the optimal equipment selection for the Necrodancer Bard?

The optimal equipment selection for the build focuses on enhancing spellcasting abilities, improving defense, and aligning with the character’s playstyle. By prioritizing items that complement the shadow and necromancy theme, the Bard ensures a formidable presence in any encounter.

How can I embody the roleplaying aspects of the build?

As the Necrodancer Bard, immerse yourself in weaving tales of darkness and manipulation, drawing allies and adversaries into the intricate dance of shadows. Embrace the challenges of earning trust and wielding the powers of necromancy in a world filled with prejudice and fear, emphasizing the intellectual charisma of a manipulator who wields the unseen forces of necromancy.

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What are the themes that define the role of the Necrodancer Bard?

The role of this unique build is defined by themes of darkness, mystery, and forbidden knowledge. Dive into the character’s mastery of the arcane arts, the allure of the shadows, and the intricate dance between life and death, emphasizing the irresistible allure of darkness and the manipulation of shadow magic.

What is the potential of the Necrodancer in reshaping encounters and narratives?

The build embraces the darkness, manipulating shadow magic, and mastering the art of necromancy, becomes a captivating force capable of reshaping encounters and narratives. This potential allows players to infuse their creativity and style into the Bard, exploring the depths of shadow and embracing the allure of darkness.
