Mastering the Ideal of the Knight in RPGs: Pathfinder 1E Cavalier

The Cavalier

Overview of Cavalier in the context of Character Build Guide

The Cavalier, as presented in the character build guide, represents the epitome of chivalry and combat prowess in Pathfinder 1E, offering invaluable insights into its narrative role and unique features.

Essential background and lore of Cavalier

This guide offers an in-depth exploration of the Cavalier’s role as a versatile combatant, party face, and scout, highlighting its valor and leadership capabilities as the foundational archetype.

Key strategies and tips for optimizing Cavalier’s use

Emphasizing strategic ability score allocation, skill choices, compelling archetypes such as the Orc Warlord and Battle Herald, and unique racial considerations as seen in the Samurai build.

Encouraging player creativity and adaptation when using Cavalier

The guide’s approach encourages players to explore unconventional choices, promote diversity in build strategies, and adapt the Cavalier to suit their playstyle, fostering creativity and personalization.

In the expansive realm of Pathfinder 1E, the Cavalier stands tall as the epitome of chivalry, showcasing unparalleled prowess in combat, unwavering loyalty to their allies, and an unyielding commitment to the virtues of knighthood. This comprehensive character build guide aims to unravel the intricacies of harnessing the full potential of the Cavalier, delving into the nuances of its varied archetypes, optimized ability scores, and strategic skill choices. Evoking the spirit of the noble knight charging into battle, the following insights will shed light on the path to mastering the Cavalier, ensuring that players are well-equipped to command respect both on and off the battlefield.

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The base Cavalier embodies the spirit of a knight, leading their loyal companion into battle against insurmountable odds. The idealized knight and their mount charge into the thick of combat, and beyond the battlefield, they possess the charisma and social adeptness to navigate higher society. The Cavalier exudes versatility, serving as a combatant, party face, and a scout. As the foundational archetype for the class, the base Cavalier’s valor and leadership capabilities are paramount, positioning them as a centerpiece in any adventuring party.

The Orc Warlord

As an Orc Warlord, the choice of race is crucial for building an intimidating, fearsome character. By choosing an Orc, and utilizing the archetype Beast Rider in conjunction with levels of Barbarian and PrC Mammoth Rider, you can access a formidable character. This build shines due to the enormous damage potential that it and its animal companion can deal, with or without the mounted status. As an Orc, lean into the Strength and Constitution abilities, emphasize combat skills such as Ride and Survival for your animal companion, and prioritize Handle Animal for optimized gameplay. Additionally, focus on the Order of the Cockatrice traits to maximize the Dazzling Display for greater impact on your enemies. Furthermore, acquiring the Ferocious Beast feat allows you to share your rage with your Mount, resulting in an enhancement for Strength and Constitution.

The strategic allocation of Ability Scores, maximization of Handle Animal, and proficiency in heavy armor and weapons such as a Greataxe offer an advantage over the opponents. To ensure success, obtain a set of specific items such as spiked armor embedded with armor spikes and a saddle. Ultimately, this build’s notoriety and effectiveness can’t be understated. The Orc Warlord stands out as a reliable powerhouse both on and off the battlefield.

The Battle Herald

The Battle Herald build focuses on its effectiveness as a support character. This build champions the Halfling race, which may seem unconventional. However, the Festive Alternative Racial Feature provides an additional layer to their supportive role. With a focus on features like Aid Another, Archon Style, and Improved Initiative, the Battle Herald establishes itself as a vigilant and valuable team member. The goal is to become a truly inspiring commander, offering motivation and enhancing allies’ combat capabilities through Inspiring Command abilities. By dedicating points to skills such as Diplomacy and Bluff, the Battle Herald can successfully rally and inspire their party, highlighting their proficiency in support strategies.

Within our build context, the choice of equipment is critical and emphasizes combat-oriented gear such as a Rapier and Longbow to ensure that the Battle Herald’s contribution extends beyond the realm of mere support. Furthermore, the integration of a trained Riding Dog as an ally further underscores the Battle Herald’s transformative role. With the ability to provide substantial aid to allies and grant additional feats, the Battle Herald supplements the team’s effectiveness and champions the true essence of a supportive and strategic combat role.

The Samurai

The Samurai build offers a unique experience owing to the choice of Elf as the character race. This atypical selection serves to illustrate the unexpected power of the build’s combination of dexterity, agility, and proficiency with ranged weapons. Capitalizing on the unique Elf-specific features, such as Elven Reflexes and Armor Master, the Samurai effectively leverages these racial traits to bolster the character’s combat prowess. With an emphasis on stealth and perception skills, in addition to an aptitude for mounted combat, the Samurai build achieves a versatile and agile approach to combat.

Investing in accuracy and dexterity-related feats like Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, and Deadly Aim enables the Samurai to emerge as a formidable ranged combatant. Building a complementary loadout, such as a pair of Wakisashis and a Longbow, underscores the Samurai’s adaptability and readiness for both melee and ranged encounters. Additionally, the steadfast resolve represented by the Samurai’s unique class traits further solidifies this build’s reputation for balanced combat readiness and versatility.

The Ghostly General

The Ghostly General build stands as a fantastic showcase, epitomizing the dynamic and unconventionality offered by this archetype. By seamlessly combining the Ghost Rider and Daring General archetypes, plus human as race with an optimal allocation of ability scores, this build attains almost unparalleled strength. The utilization of challenging feats, such as Power Attack, Dazzling Display, and Frightful Gaze, along with Launching a Triple Leadership team, places the Ghostly General in a category of their own. Their ability to summon a Phantom Horse and steer it with astute maneuverability signifies a commanding and authoritative presence.

Tackling an assortment of feats, from Dreadful Carnage to Disheartening Display, presents a comprehensive acumen for crowd control and strategic demoralization. The synergy of these features results in the creation of a character with an exceptional capacity for intimidation, cohort management, and leadership. As a character build, the Ghostly General stands tall, delivering a unique and commanding presence both in interaction dynamics and on the battlefield.


What are the recommended ability scores for the base Cavalier build?

For the base Cavalier build, the recommended ability scores are as follows: Strength should be prioritized, followed by Constitution, and Charisma. Additionally, allocating a floating +2 into Strength from your Human racial choice can greatly benefit your character’s combat capabilities.

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What are the key skills to focus on for a Cavalier?

The key skills for a Cavalier include Handle Animal, Ride, Diplomacy, Knowledge(Nobility), and Sense Motive. These skills contribute to the character’s ability to effectively handle their mount, interact diplomatically, and navigate social situations.

Which Order is ideal for maximizing the aesthetic of a Knight for the base Cavalier build?

For maximizing the aesthetic of a Knight, the Order of the Sword is ideal for the base Cavalier build. This choice provides significant bonuses to attack during a Challenge when mounted, as well as a bonus to Will Save and eventual mastery in riding.

What makes the Beast Rider build unique for the Orc Warlord Cavalier?

The Beast Rider build for the Orc Warlord Cavalier allows them to mount a powerful beast of war, such as a Giant Smilodon. This provides exceptional damage output and versatility, especially when combined with the Mammoth Rider Prestige Class, resulting in a formidable mounted combatant.

How does the Battle Herald build showcase the Cavalier’s viability as a support character?

The Battle Herald build demonstrates the Cavalier’s potential as a support character by leveraging the Inspiring Commander Archetype and entering the Battle Herald Prestige Class. This enables the character to provide substantial bonuses and support to allies through various abilities, turning them into a valuable asset on the battlefield.

What are the distinguishing features of the Samurai variant class for the Cavalier?

The Samurai variant class for the Cavalier, while focusing mainly on melee combat, also excels in ranged and mounted combat. With the ability to say ‘No’ to a range of adverse conditions and a unique resolve mechanic, the Samurai offers a well-rounded and adaptable playstyle.

How does the Ghostly General build utilize the Daring General and Ghost Rider Archetypes?

The Ghostly General build capitalizes on the unique combination of the Daring General and Ghost Rider Archetypes. It grants an extraordinary array of abilities, including the summoning of a Phantom Horse, a frightening gaze attack, and the unprecedented Triple Leadership ability, making it an exceptionally formidable and versatile character.

What kind of combat style does the Ghostly General build primarily focus on?

The Ghostly General build primarily focuses on an intimidate-based combat style, leveraging fear effects to debuff and control adversaries. Additionally, its direct damage capabilities and the ability to lead a substantial army through the Triple Leadership feature make it a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

How does the Inspiring Commander Archetype elevate the Cavalier’s support capabilities in the Battle Herald build?

The Inspiring Commander Archetype significantly elevates the Cavalier’s support capabilities in the Battle Herald build by providing enhanced leadership, teamwork benefits, and inspiring command abilities. This allows the character to effectively boost allies and provide tactical advantages during combat.

What sets the Halfling Battle Herald build apart from other Cavalier builds?

The Halfling Battle Herald build stands out due to its unique focus on Aid Another buffs and enhancing indoor fighting capabilities. It leverages the Festive Alternative Racial Feature and the Inherited Song abilities to provide substantial bonuses to allies and create a supportive, adaptable character ideal for various combat scenarios.
