As we prepare more character builds for a yet wider variety of systems (if you haven’t, take a look at the lengthy list of currently both D&D 3.5 & Pathfinder 1E Glass Walker Character Build Guides). We’re proud to announce that we’re working on building out our own Source Resource Document Repositories for D&D 3.5 (as per the OGL) & Pathfinder 1E (as well). Check out our SRD Repository at https://stellardragons.com/srd/. Please do note that we’re still in the process of uploading it. As such it’ll take some time before all the core materials are ready. We’ll be releasing summaries of the Resource Pages from the baseline SRD to help the digestibility. That in mind, we’ll be maintaining our 2 post/day cadence.
Furthermore, we will be doing a revisit to the Build Guides, though it’ll be awhile. This is because we have some underlying processes & procedures that are currently in development. Once we get vetting good on those processes, the intense discussions will roll out.
SRD Repository API Intent
These repositories will serve as a leveraging point that we might better support our character builds with in house resources. This is superior to depending solely upon external links which are either unreliable, come with strange requirements and so on. From here, we’ll be able to provide our own API as there doesn’t seem much out there. Given, it’s quite possible that we missed such during our check, however…
It’s this which we’re building towards by setting up our own SRD Repository. That, and it sounds like a fun project that’s in line with our focus of providing TTRPG (for now specifically D&D 3.5 & Pathfinder 1E) resources in a concise manner.
Oh, before I forget! Please check us out on our Discord!
Looking for fun Card Game?
No BS – Bullsh*t is an absolutely darling game.
Check it out here!
Ghost did a fantastic job in getting our initial set up done and ready to go, so join up, take a look and enjoy.
We’re still in process of getting everything set up and running to our liking, but it’s a step towards building a means to best keep in contact with updates and such as we continue to build more and more.
We’ve some plans in works there, but for now we’re keeping it hush hush.