
Decimating Resistance with Five Terrifying Pathfinder 1E Gunslinger Builds

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The Gunslinger

Overview of Gunslinger in Pathfinder 1E: The Gunslinger class in Pathfinder 1E is an iconic, fearsome combatant renowned for its exceptional prowess with firearms. The article showcases five unique and terrifying Gunslinger builds, each specializing in distinct tactics and abilities to decimate adversaries.

Narrative Role and Unique Features: The article delves into the lore of each Gunslinger build, including Revy, the Gun Machine, Sniper, Drow Crossbow Expert, and Big Iron. It highlights the narrative significance and distinct combat strategies embedded within each build.

Strategies and Tips for Optimization: Readers gain insight into the key strategies, tips, and attributes essential for optimizing the use of Gunslinger in Pathfinder 1E. The guide provides valuable input on leveraging the class’s strengths and addressing potential weaknesses in combat scenarios.

Promoting Creativity and Player Adaptation: Emphasizing creativity, the article encourages players to explore and personalize each Gunslinger build, fostering an environment of adaptability and creative roleplaying experiences in line with Pathfinder 1E’s dynamic gameplay.

Pathfinder 1E introduces an iconic class that strikes fear into the hearts of adversaries – the Gunslinger. Famed for their prowess with firearms, gunslingers are capable of decimating any resistance, wielding their weapons to exploit touch AC within their first range increment. The sheer power of this class has given rise to five terrifying builds, each specializing in unique tactics and abilities. From the Two Hands to the Big Iron build reminiscent of an Arizona Ranger, these builds promise unyielding firepower and unparalleled strategy.

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A base gunslinger build optimized for unrivaled combat. Excelling with a pair of pistols, the Gunslinger focuses on delivering precise, rapid attacks. With skills tailored for exceptional combat maneuverability and a specialized feat progression, including Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim, and Combat Reflexes, this build enables up to 8 attacks per round. Revy’s dexterity and combat abilities make her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, akin to a walking machine. Additionally, the Gunslinger’s access to the Gun Tank and Techslinger archetypes, along with the Stalwart Defender Prestige Class, transforms Revy into an impenetrable force, offering unparalleled firepower and strategy.

The Gun Machine

The Gun Machine, a concept boasting thematic superiority, combines the expertise of a Gunslinger with the Techslinger Archetype and Stalwart Defender Prestige Class, resulting in a character equipped with the heaviest armor and powerful firearms. The build emphasizes a high Dexterity, knowledge in engineering, and combat-based skills. With precise feats such as Point-Blank Shot, Deadly Aim, and Armor Focus, this gunslinger efficiently reduces armor penalties and enhances combat capability. The combination of technological skills and deadly aim makes the Gun Machine a terrifying force on the battlefield, presenting unrivaled resilience and combat effectiveness.


The Sniper build, a fusion of the Musket Master Archetype, Slayer Class, and Assassin Prestige Class, depicts an expert in long-range combat. With substantial focus on dexterity and initiative, this build specializes in sniping and deadly attacks. By using feats like Vital Strike and Overwatch Style, the Gunslinger unleashes unparalleled damage potential from concealed positions. The agility and skill set enable the Sniper to deliver devasting strikes, ensuring the elimination of targets with incredible precision and timing.

The Drow Crossbow Expert

The Drow Crossbow Expert presents a distinctive take, utilizing the Bolt Ace Archetype and Shadowdancer Prestige Class. This build maximizes the impact of hand crossbows, exhibiting impressive maneuverability, acute perception, and the ability to exploit shadowy environments. Excels in stealth and ranged combat, the Drow Crossbow Expert leverages skills like Greater Two Weapons Fighting and Rapid Shot, making them a complex and multifaceted gunslinger with the ability to inflict significant damage from the shadows.

Big Iron

Big Iron introduces a character built around the Mysterious Stranger Archetype, Holy Gun Archetype, and Grand Marshal Prestige Class. Combining the discipline of a Gunslinger and the tenacity of a Paladin, the build boasts high dexterity, strategic combat skills, and unparalleled firearms expertise. Through feats like Overwatch Style and Greater Vital Strike, the Big Iron delivers exceptional damage in duels, providing swift and efficient elimination of adversaries. With a focus on fast healing and enhanced weaponry, the Big Iron remains a formidable force, capable of triumphing even over the most enduring foes.โ€Œ

Take aways

The article presented five unique builds for Gunslinger characters in Pathfinder 1E, catering to different playstyles and specialties. From the versatile Two Hands build focused on dual-wielding pistols to the strategic Sniper build employing musket skills, each build offers distinctive traits and abilities for a thrilling gameplay experience. Emphasizing adaptability and creativity, these Gunslinger builds can evoke a sense of exhilaration and tactical prowess for players. With an array of options available, personalized exploration and fine-tuning of these builds will undoubtedly lead to rich and fulfilling roleplaying experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Gunslinger class unique in Pathfinder 1E?

The Gunslinger is unique in Pathfinder 1E due to its unmatched proficiency with firearms, enabling attacks against touch AC within the first range increment. This class offers five terrifying archetype builds tailored for various combat styles, promising unparalleled firepower and strategic advantage on the battlefield.

How do these Gunslinger builds compare to traditional combat classes in Pathfinder 1E?

These Gunslinger builds excel in unique combat styles compared to traditional classes, offering versatility, specialized skills, and formidable damage potential. Each build, such as Two Hands, Gun Tank, Sniper, Drow Crossbow Expert, and Big Iron, delivers distinct strengths, maneuverability, and combat strategies tailored to different player preferences and tactical approaches.

What are the key features that set each Gunslinger build apart from one another?

Each Gunslinger build offers distinctive attributes, such as the Two Hands build’s dual-wielding proficiency, the Gun Machine’s heavy armor resilience, the Sniper’s expertise in long-range sniping, the Drow Crossbow Expert’s maneuverability combining crossbows and shadowy tactics, and the Big Iron build’s duel-focused strategic combat capabilities. These features provide players with diverse and engaging gameplay experiences tailored to their preferred combat styles.

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How does the Gunslinger class enhance the overall gameplay experience in Pathfinder 1E?

With the addition of special prestige classes, adaptable archetypes, and distinctive firearm-based combat mechanics, the Gunslinger class enhances the gameplay in Pathfinder 1E. Utilizing the tactical advantages of every build, players can engage in exhilarating roleplaying experiences while fully immersing themselves in the class’s rich lore that combines combat prowess and tactical proficiency.

What are the potential challenges and drawbacks of playing a Gunslinger in Pathfinder 1E?

While Gunslingers exhibit formidable combat capabilities, some challenges players might face include managing ammunition, mitigating potential misfires, and ensuring effective positioning to maximize firearm attacks. Each build presents its own tactical considerations and learning curves, requiring players to master the intricacies of firearm combat while balancing versatility and specialization.

How can players personalize and fine-tune these Gunslinger builds to suit their playstyle?

By experimenting with feat selections, skill specializations, and equipment choices, players can customize and fine-tune their Gunslinger builds. A more engaging and fulfilling gaming experience is achieved when they customize the build’s capabilities to fit their preferred combat strategies, roleplaying preferences, and character backstories.
